Time as I’ve Known It

This past Saturday evening, I attended a high school reunion, a pretty significant one – our 40th. We had a rather festive gathering of about 60 people from a graduating class of about 180.  It seemed like a fairly good turnout in light of the fact that folks from our class live out of stateContinue reading “Time as I’ve Known It”

All will be well . . .

I am polishing my preparations for a retreat day on Creation Spirituality, Francis and John Denver scheduled for tomorrow from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM EST at the Oldenburg Franciscan Center.  I look forward to spending a few hours sharing my thoughts, reflections and prayers with the participants.  Whenever I lead a retreat, I feelContinue reading “All will be well . . .”


I am grateful for the support and encouragement of the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, Indiana.  They gave me a “shout out” on their newly designed web page.  Being an associate with the community has been a blessing and a source of spiritual growth. To paraphrase one of my favorite Star Trek lines “I haveContinue reading “Thanks!”